Christian and Missionary Alliance
宣道會 Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) 意思是「基督徒與宣教士同盟」,將原來強調聖潔生活的一個基督教組織和強調宣教的另一個組織合成一個機構,由宣信博士於1887 年成立,在二十世紀形成了一個新的宗派。宣道會總部設於美國Colorado Springs。於1888年開始,差遣傳教士到中國宣教。現活躍於美國、加拿大、中國、香港、澳洲及台灣等地。信徒分布於75個國家,會眾人數超過 200萬。宣信成立宣道會背後的動力是他宣揚福音的心志。起初,宣道會並非是要成為一個教派,而是作為一個有組織的「全球普傳福音」運動。正如宣信博士所願,今天,宣道會肩負著「全球普傳福音」運動的領導角色。
十字架:基督是拯救之主(Christ, our Savior)
洗濯盆:基督是成聖之主(Christ, our Sanctifier)
油瓶 :基督是醫治之主(Christ, our Healer)
冠冕 :基督是再來之王(Christ, our Coming King)
The Christian and Missionary Alliance is part of a Christ-centered global movement more than 6 million strong. Our Acts 1:8 family—inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit—is passionate to bring the good news about Him to our neighborhoods and world.
As part of the Alliance family, we celebrate Jesus—the image of the invisible God, the Lord of all Creation!
“For in Christ, all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” - Colossians 2:9-10
Our heartbeat is to know Jesus as our:
Savior (Acts 4:2)
Sanctifier (1 Corinthians 1:30)
Healer (James 5:15)
Coming King (Acts 1:11)
Because of who He is and what He’s done, we are compelled to “go!” Humbled by the open invitation He extends to us—what we call the Great Commission—we join Him in His work to restore and reconcile lost and broken people to Himself.